The Capital of Conflict

written by Diana Magdić


Split is probably the most literal and the most vulgar material representative of the cross-section of social change in Croatia, a city whose construction and destruction over the last thirty years clearly demonstrate the contemporary circumstances of development and recognize greed and chaos as their universal response. With the loss of its hinterland, crumbling under the effects of deindustrialization and deep demographic changes, in addition to extensive illegal construction and manifestations of uncontrolled and rapid touristification, Split’s modernization process has been abruptly interrupted, while the pursuit of new development strategies and a new identity is yet to yield any results. Although the beginnings of the current decadence have been recognized ever since the 1980s, only in the last twenty years all the shortcomings of not engaging in any long-term urban planning – as the key feature of the total historical development of the city – have come to the fore.